December 7, 2007

a green life

Most of you who know me are probably tired of listening to me ranting about 7 years this and Armageddon that. I don't do it to make you feel bad or scare you of the future that we will all live in. It comes across like that though, right? You must understand that I come from a family of green party book holders, if there were such a thing. My parents have driven their car less then 1000 KM in each of the last 10 years. Every year they report to me how low their mileage was. You ask how they get around? They ride their bicycles.

So you see, it's not my fault, but neither my achievement, that I urge my friends in my clumsy unconvincing way to green their lives. I simply am a product of my environment. Which puts me on a continuous guilt trip because I feel like I am not green enough. Currently, I am examining how I can put my money where my mouth is in regards to the house that I own. And I discover that there are many sites out there that promote and disseminate these ideas. In fact there is even a green housing standard LEED. I like this site very much, because it puts it into simple terms how I can do a few simple and painless measures that reduce my cost of living and increase my green of living.

At the moment I am deciding if it would be better to put solar on my roof or to get better insulated windows. What do you think? Windows make more sense because before I create more energy I should use less. I also just remembered, the first thing I am going to do is buy a couple of clothes hangers. Maybe I will even throw out my dryer because it is the most energy hungry appliance, because I remember that it never used to bother me hanging my family's clothes up by hand (well not more then other chores), and because drying clothes in the dryer is hard on the material and makes you buy new shirts every three years.


  1. But people went full circle and started eating Sushi and steak tar-tar (spelling?) at a cosniderably higher price. That should tell you something about changing your mind.
