January 7, 2008

deep economy for future generations

While reading Deep Economy I came across Future Generations (really nice URL). Since I do not know that much about development aid I will not write much about it. Deep Economy gives some cool examples. So when I searched for Future Generations on the net this is what I found. The third one is diametrically opposed and equally disturbing (they request that you please look beyond their un-pc style, in this regard think of them as you would of creationists). Why is it always the ugly, stupid and mostly geriatric people who think the world would be better off if we cleanse the gene pool according to their precepts? And why do I find them on the same page as rescuing Tibetans from themselves?

You shouldn’t worry, my dear nazi pigglets, nature will do it for you, and much more equitably,then you could ever manage. See, those according-to-your-warped-psyche unwelcome members of your holier-than-thou gene pool know a great deal more about living in a fucked-up world than you and I do. They already are in it. So god willing (and this is something I would pray for) you, I and our respective cultures, with our penchant for periodic genocide, will punch our tickets way ahead of them thereby paving the way for Shambala’s rebirth. Don’t be surprised if you return as a mollusk.

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