November 16, 2007


In light of my soon to be analyzed DNA sample, I thought it would behoove me to examine what the world, and specifically the USA thinks of DNA. The reason for my interest is that I have a sort of racial responsibility to do away with race based prejudices and if modern science is to be trusted, it seems I even need to do away with scientific facts. Because if the facts of DNA say that one race is smarter then another I will direct my futile efforts towards making these facts irrelevant. Not because I dislike our facts, but because I mistrust our mobs.

Recently I read an article in the NY Times about this very subject, in fact citing a blogger who wrote about the differences of black and white IQs as they relate to DNA. His information stems from a blogger who labels his post “scientific ramblings” which of course is a clear instruction to Half Sigma to compile those ramblings into an opinion of scientific fact and racial superiority. Maybe the comments sent to his blog would not call him racist, as he complains in a later post, if he would include the fact of superior-to-Caucasian IQ in Ashkenazi Jews which is also mentioned in his source.

Considering how little we know about the ancient past and how young we are at interpreting DNA, I find the blogger’s confidence in the science surprising. Only a few hundred years ago did we find out that the earth was in fact round and not at the center of the universe. But this stuff is taken as gospel. I do not however find it surprising that the blogger leaves out some important facts. In his search for arguments that black people are stupider than white people he leaves out that while black people are supposedly 25 % as stupid as white people, white people are 50 % as stupid as Chinese people (according to Half Sigma’s source mAnasollAsaIn studied human populations the T allele shows about 91% frequency in Chinese and Japanese, 47% in White Americans, and 27% in West Africans.”)

If I would be into proofing IQ and neighborly happiness (another Half Sigma post) according to skin color I would make an effort to paint myself as the star pupil instead of saying “well these guys are pretty dumb, but only half as dumb as we are compared to those other guys”. But he probably thought that we would all just take him by his word and not check his source. Or maybe his white behind was too lazy to actually read the whole thing, which would have forced his selective cognition into over-drive, which you should only attempt if you are Chinese and possessive of the necessary IQ.

It amuses me how Half Sigma and his commenters feel subjugated by the religiously PC lefties who somehow disallow their opinions, when their own rhetoric has been the staple of repressing whole populations and races since, I don’t know, Adolf Hitler maybe? Their sort of silliness needs something to fight against, an oppressor, without whom they could not muster up the required courage to fulfill their goal of… what exactly is your goal, Half Sigma? Proofing that blacks are dumb and so should be slaves again? That they need to vacate a chair in the bus for you because brainiacs like yourself need to rest their weary heads? That Chinese and Ashkenazi will inherit the earth and apply Half Sigma’s logic to white people?

The best thing that could come of this is that racist piggies realize that the lower SAT scores of black pupils could be a direct result of selective breeding over 400 years of slavery. During which time certainly the white owner would have made sure to breed the fittest but not the smartest to each other. So now we are calling blacks stupid because we made them so. If that is not evil I am not entirely sure what still qualifies.

Maybe, and some might accuse me of having ingested to much Soma, this will lead to humanity building one of those futuristic super gene therapy drugs to increase IQ in those we mentally stunted for such a painful long time - if that IQ is in fact lower, and if they actually are interested in messing with their homegrown DNA. It could be a nice form of reparation and since according to the last supposedly white supposed prophet it is better to give than to receive it would be good for Half Sigma as well.


  1. that would make sense if, I dont know, it would make any sense?

  2. only if u're smart enough to understand, should you be able to figure out whether it makes sense or not

    but i guess you weren't able to, so that means... *points at the first post*


    anyways i'll have a little visitor from hk in two weeks. u free to chill? holla bruddah
