May 3, 2008

the EU, such a small country

Being such a small country as Europe is, it is really amazing that you speak, like, so many languages there. I mean, we have, like, 40 % Mexicans in this country and we don't even speak Spanish", says the eternally surprised, marginally endearing, like, stupid woman. I will not dwell on this specific achievement of intellectual absenteeism, but instead share with you the traps of deer eyes.

This is the second time in three weeks that I am looking into a pair of huge orbs of liquid. Exquisitely shaped, lovingly manufactured they nevertheless remain pits of emptiness which manage to briefly distract from the rest of the sagging façade. At first I think “My, what big eyes you have”, then I realize the façade is just that - a Potemkin Village melting into the mud it arose from, the window frames remaining the only solidity left behind. They, the pits of emptiness, or if you prefer, the huge orbs of liquid, do not however distract from the other pair of orbs gently nudging me a little lower - equally exquisitely shaped and lovingly manufactured. I have your attention? I know I do, nothing garners attention in this large country (it’s a country, right?) of linguistically challenged prudes as the mention of over sized lovingly manufactured orbs.

Because of that I will now dwell after all. To state the obvious, sort of like her empty orbs, Europe is not a country. I might as well gently nudge you and tell you that yours does not contain 40 % Mexicans. Even though I know you like to exaggerate, again, sort of like your orbs gently nudging me, this is too much. Just because there are a lot of Latinos in Arizona, doesn’t mean there is an equal amount in the rest of the USA. If you would be correct in your estimate, there wouldn’t be any white people left. Some might say this would be for the better.

Also, if you would bother to take a closer look at any minority in any of Europe's many none-integrated countries, you would find that neither do those countries learn that minority's language, nor does a minority have anything to do with the fact that Europe harbors a gazillion different languages. Please stop trying to impress me with your none-existent suave worldliness. If your biggest goal in life, and some might say that this is for the better, is to have blue-eyed children you should probably be glad to be born in this wasteland of the mind. I certainly am, that you are. Your gently nudging orbs and lack of response to outside stimuli will be quite sufficiently impressive in their own rights to reduce me to the quivering mass of meat that I try to lift myself above on a daily basis. Thank you for making it easy.

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