May 15, 2008

blogging for hope

Bloggers Unite

our human right

lucky coincidence of birth
uneven in distribution
fused to our geography
instead of our humanity

luck is in short supply
three billion short

my cobalt overrides
your water
my nickel rules
over your bread

I care not for your hunger
nor your sickness
your suffering leaves me cold

you call it luck
I call it destiny
that yoke is yours
that silver mine

my human right


  1. A fine poetic expression. Thanks for your thoughts on human rights. As the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reminds us, “…recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”

    Dave Donelson, author of Heart of Diamonds

  2. Dave, thanks for reading and appreciating. Checked out your blog, see comment there. Copied your feeder too -thanks. Good luck with your book!

  3. Nice poem and a great blog, Peter. (Found you at CMC's place.)

    And "hello!" from a fellow ex-pat (sort of, born and raised in Poland, in the US for the past 21 years; this makes us almost neighbors:)).

  4. Thanks for that Elizabeth. Nice to meet another expat! My last name is virtually your neighbor's name :)

    Seems, like we didn't have to wait too long for CMCs reply. Unfortunate, that. I am kinda afraid to comment on his comment, I really don't want to set off another diatribe like that.

    I guess both sides will just keep preaching to their choirs.
